Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, Oct. 17

Hi- I know that you have been studying your spelling words, doing your homework, and reading! You are a great bunch of kids!!!!

Halloween Joke: Who won the skeleton beauty contest?

Answer: No "body" (get it???)

Mystery Question: If Mrs. Campbell watches television for 3 hours everyday for 8 days in a row, how many hours of television has she watched in all? (You know I really didn't!!)

Mystery Question:
Mrs. Campbell's class held a carwash to raise money to send her to Hawaii. They washed 35 cars the first day and double that the second day. How many cars did they wash altogether?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011

Mystery question one: What soil is made up of tiny bits of rock, holds water, and is great for making pottery? ______________
Mystery question two: The best soil for planting a garden is l_____, because it has four types of soil included in it.

This is a great website to read more about fossils. If you don't have time to look at it tonight, maybe you can look at it over the weekend.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Oct. 3 Monday

Happy Monday.
Don't forget to complete your homework.

Mystery Question: What region do you live in? __________________

Here is a fun math site to practice input/output.

Have a good night!